Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ankle Insurance

I need to gets me some. Dems hot, tried to get some fresh kicks today and failed.
I have found that shopping for shoes is usually painful. especially since i think most shoes are garbage/wack as a mother/too expensive. so i usually end up getting the same shoe, or something like it. cant go wrong with black on black. i think i might invest in some ankle insurance though, or something that will not match any of the clothes i currently or will ever own. just because. why not?(what a horrible reason to do anything, but oh well :] )
I digress.

On another note, I flew a kite today. It was glorious. Must do it again sometime. I have found that it is possible to fly a kite alone, kind of a sad finding but fun none the less. (Suns lost...tards)
Kites should always be flown near trees and possibly power lines, it makes for a more auxilerating flight. Also dressing up like ben franklin might help too; even if it IS all about the

Bargain Dan (dubbed by Pablo)

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